
Ajebutter Kitchen is committed to providing our customers with an unforgettable culinary experience that will be cherished and imprinted in your hearts for years to come.

Our dishes are very tasty and affordable and there is always an item of choice for everyone.  We take pride in our services and place great importance on the quality and freshness of every ingredient we use.

We are grateful you spent some of your time with us today. We look forward to creating many magic moments with you. Always remember our secret ingredient is "LOVE".

Ann Headshot

Ann Bayode

Ann is an industrious, educated and enterprising woman with a huge heart. She is passionate for public service and has received numerous awards and recognition for her enormous contribution to her community.

She is a recipient of Honorable Corrine Brown of Orange County District 5 award; for outstanding community service, and was awarded by Commissioner Emily Bonilla of Orange County District 5 for outstanding public service (Sep 2019).

She holds a Masters Degree in Accounting from the University of West Georgia and a Dual-Bachelors degree in Accounting and French from Georgia Southern University. She combined her passion for cooking and financial acumen to launch AJEBUTTER KITCHEN. In her spare time she is either checking on her friends/family, creating new recipes or planning an exciting trip .


"The food was not only delicious but so gorgeously presented...every morsel was like a work of art. The evening ran so smoothly thanks to you and the professional attitude of every person there. I will recommend you to all my friends!"

How It All Started

It is said that "necessity is the mother of invention".  Ajebutter Kitchen was birth out of a desire to make ends meet. Ann Bayode graduated shortly after the economic recession in 2008 and was unable to get a job despite holding a Masters degrees. Rather than wallow in pity, she turned her flair for cooking into a business and launched her business in 2011.

Our company was launched in Atlanta GA on Jan 10, 2011 and has expanded its catering services to Houston, TX and Tampa, FL. In 2019, we launched our online platform and delivers our exceptional meals anywhere to you.

"Ajebutter" is  (Nigerian slang meaning bourgeois, superior, exclusive etc.) There couldn't be a better name to describe, the elegance and presentation of Ajebutter meals. That's why we

Ann Site

Home of the Scrumptious Meals